Snow Place Like Utah

But onward!
Well, sort of. We may be stalled here in Logan, which might not be a bad thing. Moxie's thrilled about the foot of fresh powder on the ground here. But it looks like Wyoming might be a little more slippery than we'd like tomorrow... We'll keep an eye on conditions and make a decision in the morning.
Logan appears to be a charming town with a classic Old Western Main Street. We surely wouldn't mind exploring it more! But if the roads look clear we'll push off early. I haven't yet decided in which town we'll aim to crash next. Does anyone have suggestions for southeastern Wyoming or southwestern Nebraska? We'd also appreciate suggestions about places to walk/pee/eat along I-80.
Ah HA! I found you. Amazing what search engines can do these days. I'm a litle jealous of how awesomely cool your blog is. In anycase, I'm glad you're having a good time thus far, and I'm sorry I can't give you any advice on pee/walk places off I-80. I do have a memory of driving through a beautiful little town near Chyenne though... Green...something, maybe? It was nestled into a canyon, the boys say it's the most beautiful town in Wyoming, but I don't really know what that means.
Love you lots! Hope you get a chance to howl at the moon with Moxie.
Thanks, sg! It's always good to make you jealous ;-) jkjk.
Was that Green River, perhaps? I remember admiring it as I drove by/over... it was rather nestled into a valley alongside the highway. I'll aim to stop there the next time I pass through!
Love you, too. And so does Moxie!
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