
Wild West

Driving through awesome landscapes today I kept wondering, "Why would anyone choose to live back East?" Perhaps being back there next week will remind me.

Tonight Moxie & I rest in Rawlins, Wyoming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looks like you've gone to the Neil Pyke school of driving and photographing!

I assume that Sue is doing fine. Calico just told me that she misses Moxie (at least, I think that's what she said).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why would anyone choose to live back East?" you mused. Although I've spent the majority of my life out West, I admit there are a few Eastern amenities I still long for:
(listed here in no particular order) 1) the Gulf stream, which makes the ocean >80 degrees anywhere from Florida to NJ so you can body surf for hours without getting cold; 2) real bakeries that make cannolis and real Italian bread and elephant ears and danish; 3) certain people; 4) Napolian style pizza -- tomatoey, cheesy and thin so you can fold it in half, or white pizza.

Maybe you should open a dog/people bakery when you come back out West. Hope you're having a good visit back East.



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