
Making Amends with Mother Nature

[Wednesday evening]
Who can hold a grudge after fresh flowers are offered? Ma Nature wowed me with wildflowers and warmed me with sunshine across Minnesota today. There’s not a lot up this far north in the way of attractions or… people. But the scenery was lovely and the roads fast. I only encountered a half dozen or so ticks, too. Yesterday was like an immersion class in tick tolerance – I’m far calmer around them (and more efficient at destroying them), now.

Moxie’s First Bike Ride
Lake Bronson State Park has such lovely wide, groomed trails that we decided to pull my mountain bike off the car roof and go for a ride. The vet says not to do anything too strenuous for Moxie’s first year, after which point her joints will have firmed up. So we took it easy, varying speed and taking lots of rests. We both look forward to more rides together!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could't see you pickin' ticks


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