Nothing sparks up a weekend like an active volcano. Moxie and I hiked through old-growth forest along the southwestern flank of Mt. St. Helens on Saturday. Climbers will again have access to the rim starting on Friday for the first time since the mountain awoke in 2004. She's still awake, though -- and belching forth lava at a rate of about a cubic meter per second. Moxie and I were content to enjoy the view from a good distance.
Wow, you are hard to find! I'm glad I finally stumbled across your blog . . . looks like you're having fun. It's your old old friend Melanie, offering reconnection and a comfy bed for you (and fenced backyard for Moxie) in Chicago if you pass this way. Hope to find you and enjoy your travels!
Oh my gosh, Melanie! What a surprise!! I'm so happy to hear from you. I'll email you offline...
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